The property tax rate is set each year by the Board of Commissioners.
The rate for July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025 is 0.0775 cents per $100 of assessed value.
Tax bills are mailed to property owners in late June. Property tax payments are due by August 31.
Property assessment data is available online; you’ll need the parcel ID number, which is the account number on your tax bill, to locate your property.
Owners whose property assessment value has changed may file a Property Tax Assessment Appeal Form in early March.
What if I haven’t received my tax bill?
Call City Hall at 302-227-6181, ext. 159, or email utility.billing@rehobothbeachde.gov.
Can I pay my property tax bill by credit card?
Yes, the City of Rehoboth Beach accepts American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. Please be aware that a 2.5% service fee is added to credit card payments. Credit card payments may be made in person or through the city’s Citizen Self-Service Portal.
To whom do I make my check payable? What address should I use?
Checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks should be made payable to: City of Rehoboth Beach.
Mail payment to:
City of Rehoboth Beach
PO Box 1163
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Important: Please provide the customer and property ID numbers on your check and enclose the payment portion of the tax bill to ensure that payment is applied to the proper account.
What penalties apply if I don’t pay my bill on time?
To avoid interest and other collection charges, taxes must be paid by August 31. The penalty rate for late payments is 1.5% monthly.
Does my mortgage company receive a copy of my tax bill?
No, the City of Rehoboth Beach does not forward tax bills to mortgage companies. It is property owners’ responsibility to ensure that their mortgage company pays the taxes due on time each year. Escrow contracts are between the property owner and mortgage company.
How do I change the mailing address on my account?
The City of Rehoboth Beach requires that a change of address form be completed and signed by the property owner before any changes are made to the account.
Does the City of Rehoboth Beach offer an exemption to senior citizens or persons with disabilities?
No, the City of Rehoboth Beach does not provide exemptions for property taxes.
Are property taxes billed on a calendar year or some other basis?
The city’s tax period runs from July 1-June 30.
What happens if my check bounces or payment otherwise does not clear my bank?
Your payment will be voided, and you will have to make a valid payment. You’ll also be charged a $30 returned check fee. The city does not redeposit checks.
Why should I pay a penalty on late payment when I never received my tax bill?
It is property owners’ responsibility to ensure that taxes are paid in a timely manner each year. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve taxpayers of the responsibility for timely payment nor constitute cause for revocation of penalties.
I paid my tax bill, and my mortgage company also paid it. Now what?
The first payment received will be credited to the account. When duplicate payment is received, it is returned to the sender.