Thank you, contractors, for the vital services that you provide to our residents, property owners, and business owners. In order to perform contract work within the City of Rehoboth Beach, please ensure that you have a business license, the appropriate permits, schedule inspections as needed, and follow the guidelines outlined in the tabs below.
Important Information for Contractors
Business License Required
To perform work within the City of Rehoboth Beach, all contractors AND subcontractors must obtain a city business license. A current copy of the State of Delaware contractor’s license and proof of insurance liability and/or bonding must be provided by all contractors seeking to obtain a new business license or to renew an existing license. Any application submitted without this information will not be processed.
Allowable Hours of Construction
- 8 am-5 pm Monday-Friday (year-round)
- 9 am-5 pm Saturdays (November 1-April 30 only)
- Work is not permitted on holidays or Sundays year-round nor on Saturdays from May 1-October 31.
Parking Permits
Contractors must have a valid City of Rehoboth Beach parking permit to park on residential streets within the city limits from May 15-September 15. Each vehicle working at a specific location requires a permit. For questions or to purchase permits, contact the parking department or call 302-227-6184.
Building Permits
All construction within the city limits, including interior work, remodeling, and additions, requires a City of Rehoboth Beach building permit before work begins. Anyone who begins work on a building, structure, or electrical, gas, or mechanical system prior to obtaining the required permits will be subject to a penalty three times the permit fees.
Additions, demolitions, house moves, installation of geothermal HVAC systems, and tree removal require the appropriate permits.
The City of Rehoboth Beach performs inspections, with 24- to 48-hour notice. In addition to final inspections, the city performs inspections for footings, foundation, house wrap and flashing, rough-in plumbing, framing, insulated frame, and fire-rated assembly
Gross Floor Area and Floor Area Ratio
Note that covered decks, balconies, porches, unimproved areas, etc. are counted as contributing to the sum of the gross floor area, which is used to calculate floor area ratio. The floor area ratio is the relationship between a building’s total amount of gross floor area and the total parcel area (in square feet) on which the building is located.